jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Respuestas cortas en inglés = Shorts answers in English

Las respuestas cortas se utilizan muchísimo en el inglés hablado y por eso hay que darle cierta importancia. Responde a las preguntas tipo “Sí” o “No”.

Shorts answer

  1. Can you speak English? - Yes , I can
  2. Do you play tennis? No, I don' t
  3. Hav e you got the time? Yes, I have. It's a quarter past ten.

La estructura básica es:

Yes / No, + Pronombre sujeto + verbo auxiliar

El auxiliar en la respuesta corta depende del verbo o auxiliar empleado en la pregunta y tiene que concordar con el pronombre sujeto.

He aquí una tabla con los tiempos verbales más usuales.

Verb Tense
To be” in the Present
Are you Spanish?
Is she from Scotland?
Yes, I am
Yes, she is
No, I'm not
No, she isn't
To be” in the Past
Were you at home last night?
Yes, I was
No, I wasn' t
Can you sing well?
Yes, I can
No, I can't
Have got
Have you got a sister?
Yes, I have
No, I haven't
Present Simple

Do you want a cake?
Does Tom drink coffee?
Yes , I do
Yes, he does
No I don't
No, he doesn't

Present Continuous
Are they going to the cinema tonight?
Yes, they are
No they aren't
Past Simple
Did you work until late?
Yes, I did
No, I didn't
Past Continuous
Were you working yesterday at 8.00?
Yes, I was
No I wasn't
Present Perfect
Have you been to Rome before?
Yes, I have
No, I haven't
Past Perfect
Had the train left when you arrived?
Yes, it had
No , it hadn't
Futute “will”
Will you have children in the future?
Yes, I will
No , I won't
Peticiones con Would
(También situaciones hipotéticas)
Would you like some tea?
Would you help me if I asked you?
Yes, I would
No, I wouldn 't

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